Oral Placement Therapy consultations for speech and feeding deficits are offered for parents, caregivers, Occupational Therapists, and Speech-Language Pathologists. Services range from Oral Placement Therapy (OPT) technique training to a full OPT program plan that includes detailed sensory, feeding, and speech exercises specifically for your child. The following consultative services include:
Parent and therapist hands on OPT training
Having an untrained eye complete OPT exercises and techniques with your loved one is the most detrimental mistake that can be made in the therapy process. Vanessa will train you on very specific and detailed points needed for your loved one to get the most out of Oral Placement Therapy. This service does not include a report but you are free to video tape the session.
Full OPT Program Plan
This consultative service includes an in-depth speech and feeding evaluation and detailed OPT Program that you will receive via e-mail within 2 weeks of the evaluation. The OPT program will include sensory and pre-feeding exercises, feeding techniques, OPT exercises, and expressive speech activities. This service must be completed in office. If you choose to have Vanessa complete an OPT Program Plan you will receive discounted hands-on training at a later date. It is highly recommended you become trained in OPT techniques. Failure to complete the techniques properly can result in compensatory strategies not needed for speech and may greatly inhibit progress, at times even causing regression.
Business Consultation
If you are an SLP or OT seeking Vanessa’s advice in starting your private practice you may set up a Skype or in-person meeting to discuss questions and the future of your business.
Please e-mail hello@andersonsmithspeech.com for additional information. When you are ready to schedule a consultative service you will receive an invoice via email. Once your invoice is paid in full, you will be contacted to schedule your consultation. In addition to clinic hours, night and weekend scheduling is available. We look forward to working with you!