What is Speech and Language Therapy?

Our clinics offer speech and language screenings, evaluations, and treatment. We treat a wide range of needs such as fluency, language, and articulation.


“The human voice is the organ of the soul.”

– Henry Wadsworth Longfellow


child with therapist

What Trainings Have Our Therapists Completed?

We only hire Speech-Language Pathologists who have completed master’s programs and have state and national certification. All of our SLPs have additional training in feeding therapy, tethered oral tissue (tongue/lip tie), and oral placement therapy. Some of our SLPs have completed extensive coursework in orofacial myofunctional therapy, SOS Approach to Feeding, and PROMPT.

How Are We Different? 

Our SLPs have additional training on motor-based speech disorders. That means we often treat our patients through muscle-based work in addition to traditional speech therapy. When “Look at me, listen to me, now say it like me” doesn’t work, that is where our muscle and tactile-based programs come in as a missing link!

Let our practice help your family member be able to better communicate wants, needs, and feelings.

Still have questions? Call the clinic to schedule a free 15-minute phone screening or click here